I have been working with international men, women & couples for more than 10 years while exploring a tantric path for the highest benefits of all, to my best understanding.

 I faciliate development, self-honesty & self-love, awakening to our true nature. May we live in bliss!

Is it your choice?


Attended schools, courses and workshops:

* Mental stress management, Body-work in psychotherapy, Roger’s approach, Dance and movement therapy (2003/05, Charles University, www.ff.cuni.cz/FF-7730.html)

* Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – practicioner, Institute for NLP, Ltd. (2006, www.nlp.cz)

* Centre for Regenerative Services and Education – Masseur for sports and regenerative massage, Reflexology, Breuss method, Indian Head Massage (2007, Dexter Academy www.masaze-kurzy.cz)

* The art of touch, Ritual tantric massage, yoni and lingam, breath work (2007, www.tantraworld.cz)

* One-month stay in Osho meditation center in India, Pune, Primal Rebirth therapy (2008, www.osho.com)

* 5 Elements Academy for Yoga & Ayurveda -Ayurvedic Massage Therapist Training (2008, Pune, India, Shikha Ayurvedic CLINIC)

* Shamanic path to the Integrity of Soul (2011, https://erinti.blog.cz)

* Dietology course (2011, www.active-wellness.org)

* Personal iniciation to Reiki I., II. (2011, www.kouzelnysvetenergie.cz)

* Prague Institute of Psycho-Social Studies (2011/12, www.pvsps.cz)

* Ritual of 5 Elements (2012, www.ritual-peti-elementu.cz)

* Cranio-sacral therapy (2012, Dott. Giovanni Conchin, www.color-life.cz)

* Awakening Therapy massage I. (2013, www.awakening-klinika.com)

* The Artist’s Way (2013, www.maitrea.cz, a course in discovering and recovering your Creative Self)

* Psychology of health and illness  (2014, Institut of psychotherapy, Prague)

* Institute for the psychology of eating, Coach certification (2015, www.psychologyofeating.com)

* Energy Therapy healing (2016, www.learniet.com)

* Biodynamic massage training (2016, www.abmt.org.uk)

* Art of Being summer tantra festival (2016, www.artofbeing.com)

* Pranic Healing Practicioner (2017, www.pranichealing.com)

* Chi Gong III. (2018, www.zy-gigong.cz) 

* AromaTouch (2018, www.esencezdravi.eu/aromatouch)

* Feng Shui practitioner (2018, www.ceskaskolafengshui.cz)


I have been also enjoying practicing meditation, yoga, spontaneous dance & movement medicine, vegan & raw food, I like ayuverdic herbs & essential oils. I have traveled quite alot (through Asia, Europe, Carribian, Argentina, Israel, Norway,etc)  and all I can say about Life is - its a daring adventure, explore your potential & live in truth.

